‘SPOT time spot TIME’ Walkabout 30th March 2015
What an engaging and wonderful day. Thank you to everyone who took part, and also those people who made a special effort to come out especially to add their fingerprints to a unique piece of art.
A multitude of simple single fingerprints coalesced to form a wonderful connected shape; Paradoxically each individual print enhancing the individuality of it’s contributor.
As an expression, I wanted to comment on the power of many individuals in community and space, and also question our perception of our changing identity in the present, past and future.
As a piece of art, it is emerging and growing wonderfully to comment on our changing identity in our own formulated ‘forensic’ ideas of ourselves.( Forensic Science: is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past which is then used in a court of law. The word forensic comes from the Latin forēnsis, meaning “of or before the forum.)
There have been so many recent discussions and debates around this subject, and after a recent trip to the ‘Rubens’ exhibition at the Royal Academy I was captivated by the idea of how a single fingerprint can connect us all, as far back in time to the first human. ‘SPOT time spot TIME’ captures wonderfully the re -examination of fingerprints and DNA at this time in history.
From the first conception of ‘SPOT time spot TIME’, I knew the ‘fingerprints’ had to be many from all walks of life, age and culture. A walk linking the city of Bristol was perfect.
I feel privileged to be part of an artwork that I feel encapsulates how I see Bristol, and what draws me back to the city each time. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Although SPOT time spot TIME has captured a moment. I feel how it is perceived will evolve in the same manner as the individuals, and culture it represents. Thank-you Elaine for inviting to be part of this wonderful creation. Lxx