Cambridge Central Library Talk 28th March 2015

Against the timely backdrop of an organised informative demonstration at the library, objecting to a proposed 3rd floor closure, (incidentally been reintroduced as a revenue generating business centre –  a move deemed necessary to ensure the space can survive after massive budget cuts) I began my talk about our changing relationships society has with books and library spaces.

An interested audience of many, I was honoured to share the space with writers and editors who were eager to express their pleasure and also their concerns about the future of the printed written word.  Rani Drew was one such writer who has kindly invited me back to Cambridge to meet other writers who feel passionate about the changing landscape in the literary world. It was a wonderful afternoon and I enjoyed enormously the discussion ‘Turning ‘ages’ evoked.  One audience member was only 10 years old and I marvelled at how animated and interested he was. Thank you Cambridge for such a warm welcome.

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