Sheffield SPOTtimespotTIME walkabout September 2016
SPOTtimespotTIME ( ii LIGAR) tour 2016/ 17 has three completed panels of city wide fingerprints. The comment explores our own changing understanding regarding identity & privacy. Emerging artworks grow and document the changing social and political environments, and I have had the honour of meeting so many amazing people with fascinating stories. What started as a work inspired initially by the Rubens exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts is fast becoming a social document by real people with real stories. As a city wide walkabout people from various different cultures are happy to be part of this connective levelling humanitarian comment. There have, however, been people who have demonstrated against the comment and say they prefer the cultural divides. Sadly I have also experienced abuse and anger and many refusals to share a fingerprint because they don’t want their fingerprint next to someone outside of their understanding of how they see themselves culturally. This anger is difficult to document, however, I believe it is important to comment/express as the work grows. I have had the privilege too of being part of communities who choose to live outside of our ordered society, and believe that to ‘ come off grid’ is the only way to truly start to have a free voice. People I have met with these opinions have been delighted to share their fingerprint because they believe that reminders regarding how similar we are to each other is important. As important as we all are individually, we are all connected to each other and integrity, love and kindness doesn’t cost anything. I look forward to the continuation of the emerging SPOTtimespotTIME public artwork.
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