Here’s to you Newcastle

It’s time to reflect on the wonderful time and reception that ‘turning ‘ages’ received whilst in Newcastle as the piece begins its voyage to Nottingham Central Library. I would like to thank all the staff for their help and support in getting the piece installed – uninstalled and for helping encourage visitors to participate and engage with the piece whilst it was on display.

'turning 'ages' in Newcastle

‘turning ‘ages’ in Newcastle

Here are some of the comments the piece enjoyed, as always I find them incredibly moving and poignant and I feel honoured to have my work evoke so much comment and emotion.

“What a wonderful installation, we love books and we love our Library back home, even though they are trying to close it, I feel I have waited so long to see this exhibition”

“I think this exhibition is really cool, its better than using paints and watercolours, its uses books instead!”

“Brilliant – keep up the good work!”

“Graham Greene and Lawrence I’ve bought loads of those books”

”  The art is amazing”

“absolutely beautiful”

“brilliant and profound for me as I studied for my ‘A’ levels here”

Thanks again to all who have commented.

…..and thank you Newcastle for hosting…

One thought on “Here’s to you Newcastle”

  1. Sarah Mulligan
     ·  Reply

    ‘We really enjoyed hosting the exhibition, it attracted lots of attention and positive comments from visitors. It does highlight the wonderful influence books can have on all of our lives.’

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